
NeoTech formerly known as JATM (just another tech mod) is an ore processing mod. Some of the items it includes are: furnace generator, RF cables, electric furnace, item pipes, among other machines.

This mod adds ducts, which can attach to hoppers and send items in any direction. This mod also now adds Grated Hoppers, which can filter items.
Redstone Paste Mod adds a new form of redstone dust into the game, allowing you to transmit redstone signals across a variety of surfaces, including ceilings and walls. Also included are sticky repeaters and sticky comparators, to keep your redstone current strong or do complex logic no matter where you decide to run your paste.
by Geforce
Laser tripwire:
When you place two laser tripwire blocks within 5 blocks of each other with no blocks in-between, it spawns a laser between the two blocks, and when you walk through it, the two source blocks give out redstone power. When you walk through it, it gives off redstone power:

When you place the keypad block, the first time you right-click it, it opens a setup screen which allows you to setup your passcode for that specific keypad. After you hit that button/ right-click the block after that first time, it allows you to enter your passcode. Once you type it in correctly, it closes the GUI and gives out redstone power for 3 seconds.

After placing the mine, any entity that walks on it (besides a creeper, cat, or ocelot), including players,will
automaticaly get blown up. You can not place the mine on flowers, cactus, glass, or air. Clicking on the block with shears defuses it, allowing you to break it and re-place it. Alternatively, clicking on the block with a flint and steel will light the fuse again.

When you right-click a keypad with the codebreaker, it automaticaly cracks the code for you.

Block Mines:
These act like the standard mines, except they look exactly like normal blocks for easy camoflaging.

Reinforced door:
They act the same as standard iron doors, except they are unbreakable!
Ever made a huge obsidian bunker, and thought, "WOW! No one can break in to this!". Then the next time you come back to it, the doors broken, and everything is gone. This will stop that from happening! Plop down these guys, and only the player who places it can break it using the Universal Block Remover.

Universal block remover:
Right-clicking on a reinforced door, keypad, keycard reader, or retinal scanner* will destroy it,

Fake water/ Fake lava:
They both do the opposite of they are supposed to do! You can be completely submerged in the lava, and you wont die. But so much as touching the water will pretty much instantly kill you....

Bouncing betty:
This is a variation of the mine which will bounce up and explode when you step on it.
I put the two pictures of it in a spoiler tab because i just want you to try it for yourself first

Iron trapdoor:
This is the same as a standard trapdoor, except the only way you can open it is with redstone power.

Keycard reader/keycards:
The keycard reader will only provide redstone power when you right-click it with a keycard with a level higher then or equal to the level you selected in the keycard reader's GUI.

Rail mines:
This type of mine explodes when a minecart passes over them.

Portable radar:
This radar, when placed, will send the owner of the radar chat messages whenever another player comes within the radar's detection radius (default: 50 blocks, configurable).

If you rename a name tag in an anvil, then right-click the radar with the tag equipped, it will name that radar whatever the name tag's name is, which will replace the coordinates in the message.

Cage trap:
*Doesn't have a texture currently.*
Whenever a player steps on the block, it will spawn a cage made of reinforced iron bars (see below) around the player.

Reinforced iron bars:
This block is the same as standard iron bars, except it is unbreakable.

Reinforced glass panes:
These act the same as regular glass panes, except it is unbreakable.

Inventory scanner:
When you place two scanners a block apart from each other, a field will spawn between them, kinda like the Laser Block. If you're the person who placed down the blocks, right-clicking either of the blocks will open a GUI which will allow you to insert prohibited items, and select what you want the scanner to do when it finds any of those items. If a player walks inside of the field between the two blocks carrying a block/item which matches any of the blocks/items you entered (in the GUI), and "check inventory" is selected, the items will automatically be deleted. Even if the player trys to throw the block/item through the field, it will also be removed. If the "emit redstone" setting is selected, it will emit redstone for three seconds. If someone who didn't place the blocks down trys to open the GUI, it will show them what setting the scanner is set to, and the prohibited items, but will not let them edit anything. In a future update, it will store any deleted items in a built-in inventory.

Mine remote access tool:
Whenever you right-click a mine with this tool equiped, it will "bind" the mine to the tool. If you right-click while holding it, it will open a GUI which will allow you to activate, deactivate, or detonate any bound mine(s).

Retinal scanner:
Standing directly in front of the scanner will have the block emit redstone power for three seconds, but it will only work for the player who placed the block down.

Password-protected chest:
This acts as a hybrid between a keypad and a chest. Right-clicking it will open a GUI similar to the keypad, but when the code is entered correctly, it will let you access a inventory, similar to the standard chest.

Username logger (needs texture):
This block will record any player(within a certain radius)'s name (default radius: 3, editable in the configuration file) in it's GUI whenever it is powered by redstone.

Reinforced stone:
Reinforced stone acts the same as regular stone, except it is unbreakable. Only the person who placed it down can remove it with the universal block remover.

The alarm will make a siren sound every two seconds (configurable in the config file) while it is being powered by redstone.

Reinforced Iron Fencegate:
The reinforced iron fencegate is the same as a regular fencegate, except it can only be opened using redstone power, and is unbreakable. It can only be broken using the Universal Block Remover.

/sc command:
Typing "/sc recipe laserblock" will post the laser block's recipe in the chat. Alternatively, typing "/sc help laserblock" will give you a description of the laser block.

In-game bug reporting:
Using the "/sc" command, you are able to report bugs directly to my IRC channel. Type "/sc connect" to connect to IRC (the name you will use in IRC will be "SCUser_" + *your username*. Then type "/sc bug ". Once you do that, the bug will be posted in my channel, #GeforceMods. Also, if you need to contact me directly, use the '/sc contact ' command. My replies will appear directly in the Minecraft chat window! If you want to disconnect from IRC, type "/sc disconnect".

by Sangar

This mod adds computers that can be programmed in Lua 5.2. Computers persist across saves (i.e. execution resumes where the computer was saved when it is loaded again), they are highly modular (there are graphics cards, network cards, redstone cards, ...). If a compatible power generating mod is present, by default they will need power to run - however, like pretty much everything else about the mod, this can be changed in the config. OpenComputers is designed to fit well with survival gameplay, and is played best in combination with other mods, which allow automating ore processing, and ideally crafting to some extent! Computers are not cheap to craft, so don't expect to build your first computer early when starting a new game. If you want an extra challenge, try the hard mode recipe set (see .minecraft/config/opencomputers/user.recipes for more information). There are a lot of components in the mod that can be used to extend computers, such as motion sensors, holograms and there are also robots. Inter-operation with many other mods is provided via the Adapter block (for example reading power information from energy cells and so on). For more information, please visit the Wiki at http://ocdoc.cil.li/ where, aside from blocks and items in the mod, the built-in Lua APIs are documented as well, so you can read up what you can actually do with the computers. If you need additional support, browse the forums at http://oc.cil.li/ or drop by the IRC, channel #oc on esper.net. The mod accepts EU, RF, Mekanism Joules, Factorization Charge, Applied Energistics 2 energy, as well as power from Electrical Age (it has it's own converter). If none of these mods is present, power use is disabled.


Teleport with a single click to many portal gates placed all over the worlds (overworld, nether, ender, and many others ...) by a right-click activation from the Portal Amulet. Features: - Teleportation by waypoints portals, - Naming portals for quick reference, - Great for traveling large distances, - Direct teleportation between worlds allowed, - Consumes Xp/RF regarding the distance for each teleportation, - Free teleportation from above any portal to any destination portal, - Different teleport animations in/out the portals. (deactivable from config file)

by R-craft
The iPod Mod (aka EyePod Mod) is a mod that creates an iPod in Minecraft! You get some new items associated with the iPod. The iPod has useful applications which let you create explosions and more! Below is the full app list:

- Weather app
- TNT app
- Thrash app
- Mine app
- Spawn app
- Menu app
- TP app
- Magic app
- Games app
- Stats app
- Life app
- Settings app
- Music app
- Info app

by Vanhal
This mod provides low tech automation tools for common tasks. The tools will be upgradable as the player progresses.
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