Zombies in the daytime! Zombies are everywhere, be careful. Sort of an adventure mod. The zombies will attack players, chickens and pigs. There are options in the config file to control spawning of skeletons, creepers, spiders, slime, and endermen. The default minecraft zombies are disabled.
The zombies should be able to spawn in any biome derived from the BiomeGenBase class. Zombies should spawn in biomes created by ExtraBiomesXL or Biomes O Plenty for instance.
I recommend creating a world with these presets if you want a real zombie apocalypse adventure.
2;7,56x1,5x3,2;6;biome_1,decoration,lake, lava_lake
This is a swamp world similar to Swampcore, only deeper. You can mine ore here. Using the CrackedZombie defaults you will have to contend with many walkers and spiders. Want some bad weather to go along?
/weather thunder 100000
should do it. Oh, and watch out for the witch. With a little luck you can find a witches hut for shelter on your first night.