Animated doors :
The first goal of this mod was to improve vanilla doors behaviour. They are now animated when opened or closed instead of just jumping instantly to their new state. Also, it makes double doors automatically open and close without any need for redstone.
Trapdoors and fence gates are also animated!
New sliding doors :
Two new sliding doors are added (wooden and iron), that behaves like normal doors but instead of rotating on themselves, they slide into the block next to them.
Jail doors :
A new metallic jail door that slides on the side. Can only be operated with redstone.
Laboratory doors :
A new metallic laboratory door that slides upwards. It's not a double door.
Factory doors :
A new metallic factory door that slides both upwards and downwards.
Shoji doors :
A new shoji door that slides slowly on the side.
Curtains :
Simple red curtains that opens with custom animation.
Rusty Hatch :
A big metallic hatch with a handle that slowly opens. Comes with rusty ladders built-in. Requires 2x3x2 block space to be placed.
Like Trap doors, if placed on the top half of the side of the block, the door will open upwards.
Rusty Ladders :
A metallic ladder that matches the ones built-in the Rusty Hatch.
Garage doors :
A multi-structure allowing a large area to be opened with a nice animation. A Garage door can be as wide and tall as wanted, and as long as they face the same way, one simple redstone current change will make the whole door open or close depending on its current state.
Carriage doors :
A big and fancy wooden double door (4x5x1 multi-block). Note : right click the frame to close the doors.
Forcefield and Controller :
The Forcefield Controller is an item that allows the creation of Forcefields. The Forcefields can be any size (with a limit of 100 blocks) and can't be destroyed. Use the item on the Forcefield to activate and deactivate it, use it while sneaking to remove it completely.
The Contoller displays color informations while placing a Forcefield to indicate if it can be made between the selected positions. It is self powered but requires some time to recharge. Note that removing a Forcefield completely drains the energy of the Controller.
Player Sensor :
A little block that creates a redstone current when a player passes under. It can be placed on the walls, floors or ceiling. It doesn't have the annoying click sound pressure plates have, and it's safer too as it won't let creepers enter your home sweet home.
Door factory and custom doors :
The door factory is a self powered machine that lets you design your own doors. Chose their properties such as the type of movement (from ten available!), the sound, or the speed of their animation, and then select blocks for the frame, top and bottom materials to define how they look.
The top and bottom material also accepts a few items for special effects :
- Flint & steel gives a fire effect.
- Ender pearl displays nether portal animation.
- Water bucket displays flowing water.
- Lave bucket displays flowing lava.
Vanishing Frames :
Vanishing frames that fade out when powered with redstone current. When powered, they transmit the current to their neighbouring fellow frames so you can make whole walls vanish into thin air. Once current is out, frames revert back to their normal state. Once placed in a world, you can right click on them with any normal block and the frames will copy and use the block textures.
Frames come in four different materials : wood, iron, gold and diamond.
- wood frames will always propagate their state to neighbouring frames
- iron frames will only propagate to neighbouring frames that are copying the same block
- gold frames will only propagate to neighbouring frames that are copying the same block with the same metadata (ie : gold frame won't trigger a frame copying a wool block with a different color).
- diamond frames will allow you to entirely customize the behaviour. You can choose in which direction the propagation will occur, the delay and even the duration.
Block Mixer and mixed blocks :
The Block Mixer is a self powered machine that crushes blocks together. The result is a mixed block blending the textures of both blocks. If a light emitting block is mixed, the result will emit light. If a block of redstone is mixed, the result will emit redston current. Also, mixing a non opaque block allows to see through it.
In addition, you can mix these items to get a special effect :
- Ender pearl displays nether portal animation.
- Water bucket displays flowing water.
- Lave bucket displays flowing lava.