by a3626a

Hungry Animals is a mod that changes vanilla animals’ feeding activity and AI. I especially focused on wild life and reality. Have you ever wondered about why vanilla animals aren’t starved to death?

Wings, Horns, and Hooves, the Ultimate Unicorn Mod is a mod for Minecraft 1.8 and above. It puts into your game 4 new magical horse types (Unicorn, Pegasus, Nightmare, and Destrier - see below for details) and many new items, including magic wands, horseshoes, horse helms, pegasus wingtips, and more. Some of these items can be equipped to the different magical horses and give them extra magical abilities (and believe it or not, some they can use themselves)!

These magical horses are more than just your ordinary Minecraft mobs. They come with extra behaviors (just try to tame that pegasus without thinking, and see where it gets you), they have extra equipment and inventory slots, they can fight with or without their rider, and they can interbreed!

And this isn't just your simple interbreeding - these magical horses have DNA, and can pass on all or some of their traits to their children! Want a flying horse with a unicorn horn? Breed a pegasus and a unicorn! Want a huge horse with flaming hooves? Breed a destrier and a nightmare! Want a horse with ALL the traits?! Well, you can get that too! Just keep breeding... but you might want a DNA tester to make your job easier.

And if you're a master breeder, maybe you can find some of the secret mutant magical horse breeds... otherwise known as Ultimate Unicorns.

Lastly, you can create your own custom unicorn (a new colored magical horse skin with optional magic powers) that all your friends can see!


Adds wings to help you fly around Minecraft!

Right click with Flytem in hand to toggle fly!

Pet Bat mechanisms if not fighting, will always follow and remain close to the owner if owner isn't present (left server), remains where he last was tries and finds a hanging spot if it can, will not leave whatever area it is in can be startled from hanging spot by a foreign player, by attacks, by breaking the block, or by dropping pumpking pie if it gets stuck and the owner runs further off, will teleport directly into owner inventory bats are not fire or lava proof, or particularly resistant to explosions levels up by dealing damage, does not require actual kills levelling up boosts max health and damage upon reaching level 3, pet bats gain a 33% life steal on attack effect upon reaching max level, pet bats gain enchantment visuals upon "death" returns as Item to owner inventory and has to be fed before it can fly again if owner isn't on the server when it dies, it really dies and is lost your inventory is a completely safe place, unless you happen to die ownership of a Pet Bat does not transfer with the Item bat, the tamer stays it's owner a hurt pet bat can be healed by crafting it with pumpkin pie or by dropping pumping pie for feeding foreign players can feed them pumpkin pie by dropping it nearby only freshly dropped pie counts handheld bats grant night vision, regardless of their health yes, you can pour your cruelty, your malice, and your will to dominate all life into your bat using an anvil and pumpkin pie apart from healing the bat that doesn't do much

This mod adds two new machines and some items:

Two machines:

  • Animal Ingredient Extracting Machine - Can extract animal ingredients.
  • Animal Research Machine - Use the animal ingredients spawns animals.

New item:

  • Mushroom's mushroom - It is Mushroom drops.It is used for extracting ingredients.
  • Horsehide - It is Horse drops.It is used for extracting ingredients.
  • Villager's hair - It is Villager drops.It is used for extracting ingredients.
  • Pig ingredient - It is used for spawning pig.
  • Sheep ingredient - It is used for spawning sheep.
  • Cow ingredient - It is used for spawning cow.
  • Mushroom ingredient - It is used for spawning mushroom.
  • Horse ingredient - It is used for spawning horse.
  • Villager ingredient - It is used for spawning villager.
  • Rabbit ingredient - It is used for spawning rabbit.
  • Chicken ingredient - It is used for spawning chicken.

Machine recipes:

Animal Ingredient Extracting Machine:

           Stone                                     Stone                                          Stone 

Block of Redstone               Block of Diamond                    Block of Redstone

           Stone                                     Stone                                          Stone 


Animal Research Machine:

           Stone                                     Stone                                          Stone 

Block of Redstone               Block of Emerald                      Block of Redstone

           Stone                                     Stone                                          Stone 


Machine instructions:

Animal Ingredient Extracting Machine:

First, place the Animal Ingredient Extracting Machine on the floor, and then open the Machine GUI. You can see three slots in it. Put animal ingredients in to the top slot.Please looks the following table of comparisons: 

  • Pig ingredient - Porkchop
  • Sheep ingredient - Mutton
  • Cow ingredient - Steak
  • Mushroom ingredient - Mushroom's mushroom
  • Horse ingredient - Horsehide
  • Villager ingredient - Villager's hair
  • Rabbit ingredient - Rabbit meat
  • Chicken ingredient - Raw chicken

Then put diamond in the under stack.

Animal Research Machine:

First, place the Animal Research Machine on the floor, and then open the Machine GUI. You can see three slots in it. Put 32 animal ingredients in to the top slot. Put emerald in to the under stack. Then the machine begin working.When the bar go to end, the animal on this machine is spawned by machine.

This is a mod that allows you to hatch previously useless dragon eggs. Once fostered and tamed, they'll be your faithful companion in all situations and, of course, can be used for a ride!

Hi everyone!

This is a little mod I made that adds, well, just a few fish!

I got tired of there being no simple fish entities for the vanilla fish items, so I decided to make some myself. I know there are other mods out there that add fish mobs, but none of them did it quite the way I wanted (or had a zillion other mobs and other content in the mod too), so I decided to make this little fish mod that adds some simple fish entities.

by Njay

Welcome to the Minecraft unicorn mod! This mod adds unicorns and pegasi to Minecraft as well as some awesome items such as fairy dust armor and unicorn fur.

The spawn chances are slightly lower than the horses' ones. Now, as you found an unicorn, taming it is the next step. It works exactly like taming a horse, and, after you now have attained its confidence, it will let you ride it and give it a saddle or horse armor. When riding it, you may notice, that unicorns don't take fall damage, which makes sense, since you can fly them when saddled. How? Well, just press and release space (or the key you use for jumping) and the unicorn will dash into the air with you sitting on its back. Flying, it leaves a trail of rainbow colors behind itself.Of course, there is a white, blue-dotted spawn egg available in the creative inventory. Upon death, unicorns drop 0 - 1 unicorn horns and 2 - 4 unicorn fur. Unicorn horns are used to craft fairy dust, with which you can craft fairy dust armor. Wearing this armor, you'll be able to fly around in survival mode, as long as the durability doesn't reach 5 points or less. Every second you fly with your fairy dust armor, 4 durability points will be subtracted from the armor. Also, like normal armor, it protects you from damage.

The Pegasus! These admirable creatures spawn naturally in extreme hills, ice plains and regular plains. They occur in four different varieties: White, light gray, dark gray and black. You'll notice, that the pegasi have two large wings branching off their body which flap when you hit spacebar while riding, and thus, pegasi fly higher and further than unicorns. Breeding two pegasi of the same color will logically spawn in a baby with the same color, if you breed two pegasi of different color, the child's color will be either one of the parent's colors or a mixture of both. You can obtain 2 - 4 unicorn fur and 1 or 2 pegasus wings in the respective color by killing a pegasus. The wings do not have any function yet, so I look forward to your ideas :-)

There are 8 hamster colors (Black, White, Brown, Dark Brown, Grey, Dark Grey, Razzleberry and Taoru). Feed them seeds to tame them (Their cheeks will fill up with seeds XD), and right click them with a piece of paper to carry them around on your head! There are even hamster balls! Right click on a hamster with the Hamster Ball to put it inside! To take it out click on the Hamster Ball with a piece of paper. They come in 16 colors!

Ever felt like the oceans in Minecraft are a bit boring? Don't you wish they were a bit more beautiful and/or mysterious? Well so did I, and after working for few weeks, I now proudly present to you the Aquatic Abyss!

In this mod, Minecraft's boring oceans are populated with tons of new mythical and real creatures, along with new world generation!

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